Getting whole site to display as https

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Il y a 14 ans
I am having issues with IE showing up a warning to customers that not everything in the shopping cart will be delivered via secured https. Apparently this is due to the images being stored in a folder that is out side of the shopping cart. How do I get the entire site to display at https instead of http?
Il y a 14 ans

I remember reading about this recently.
It's because the secure page is trying to reference an item from a section of website it believes is in a non-secure area.
Solution... wherever you are using absolute paths to reference an item - change it to an relative path.

e.g.   http://top/images/imageulike.jpg ...becomes....   ~/images/imageulike.jpg    (or similar)   :)
Il y a 14 ans
Thanks for that...I am a 'non'techy'! I know the basics, so I understand your comments, but how do I know which pages need changing? Would it be whatever the page is that is opening when this message appears?
Il y a 14 ans
I had the same problem on IE

What I did was: lets say you're on the shopping cart page, I updated the ordersummary.ascx control to return images urls including the https instead of http. it's not the cleaner way to do this but it worked:

public string GetProductVariantImageUrl(ShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem)
            return pictureUrl.Replace("http:/","https:/");
Il y a 14 ans
Thanks! I will give that a try.
Il y a 14 ans
This issue is already fixed and will be available in the next release
Il y a 14 ans
Do you know how long before the next release is due?
Il y a 14 ans
It'll published within one month
Il y a 14 ans
Great! Thanks :-D
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