Quick Enity Update From Devlop to live Test

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Il y a 11 ans
Hi all

Right I'm updating the enity by adding a new feild in the db and pulling it through. (I know how to do)

My current process is

Development Source code ASP Dev server - test
IIS inhouse test site - test with same connection string
[Live Web Server - Live Database]
Live Web Server Test site

So my quick question is


When I create this new feild pull it through to the View on the ASP dev server.

I need to replicate and copy this process on the deployed Live test site on my Db on my collicated server.

Is it just a case of creating the feild on the web server Db and bring the DLL from the deployed bin on my local machine to the live server.

I don't want to reinstall on the live server.

Kind Regards

Il y a 11 ans
wertyuio1 wrote:
Is it just a case of creating the feild on the web server

Generally, yes.
Look at the upgrade.sql scripts in the \upgradescripts folder of the source code.  

For example:

--Add 'StartDateUtc' and 'EndDateUtc' columns to [News] table
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM syscolumns WHERE id=object_id('[News]') and NAME='StartDateUtc')
  ADD [StartDateUtc] datetime NULL

As for DLLs, etc.  I think it's best to use a tool (I like WebMatrix), to push the changes to the destination.  just to be sure you're not missing something.
Il y a 11 ans
Hi New York

Thank you for the reply...

I have successfully been able to transfer and update the styling themes and multiple views.

If you don't mind me asking why is it be best practice to use a tool like Webmatrix. I have been using a vpn connection with mapped drivers which I have been using to push updates across.

But if you have the time to explain how the webmatrix would help would be grand. I personal thought it was a Microsoft tool for downloading software.. (Don't know)

There was one issue I found when I installed the deployable live(Test) site I had created a new ProductTemplate. On the development server the record was held in that database and all products where mapped to that view.

When I installed the Deployable Website up to the server with a fresh database the record wasn't in the table producttemplate  so I had to reinsert the record. The corressponding CSHTML file was in deployable file though.

I'm just thinking is this a normal occurence on fresh db instal or I did I miss something.

Kind regards

Il y a 11 ans
wertyuio1 wrote:
...why is it be best practice to use a tool ...

A tool (even Diff) will compare files source vs. destination.  Any differences - updates, deletes, new files - are automatically handled.  I.e. the tool synchronizes automatically

wertyuio1 wrote:
... with a fresh database the record wasn't in the table producttemplate ...

If by "fresh database" you mean you re-ran the install, and it created tables in the DB, then yes, any records created in your dev would not be in a new install.
Il y a 11 ans
Thank you New Nork

Highly appreciated I will look it into a tool that will do this.

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