v2.65 Shipping by Total Problem

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Il y a 11 ans
I am currently testing an upgrade from v2.6 to v2.65 and when implementing the Shipping by Total plugin, it does not seem to be working correctly? I have setup a records. One set for $0.00-$200.00 at $10.00. The other set for $200.01-$1,000,000 at 5%. When I walk through the shopping cart it does not calculate shipping correctly.

Is anyone else having problems? Any suggestions?
Il y a 11 ans
SilhouetteBS wrote:
it does not calculate shipping correctly.

What exactly is calculated wrong? Please provide steps to reproduce the issue
Il y a 11 ans
Sorry about that, I should have included it. After adding products to the cart that total over $200.01 it states that shipping is $0. Same with if there is under $200.00. It should charge $10.00 for anything under $200 or 5% of total for anything over $200.00.
Il y a 11 ans
A $0 result in all cases would make me suspect it's a "Free Shipping" issue.
If all items (product variants) in cart are "Free Shipping" (check), then you get $0 final rate
Also check Settings > Shipping Settings >  Free shipping over 'X':

EDIT: (I was just doing some custom work with Customer Role, and noticed that...)
Also, check Customer Role > Free Shipping:
Il y a 11 ans
Shipping costs are coming constant 0.
I do not understand.
I could not find a solution.

good work
Il y a 11 ans
If you have already checked that you don't have the Free Shipping as mentioned above, then check your Shipping By Total configuration.  Make sure your Country/State records listed will always match, or have a record for Country=* / State=*
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