Currency Problem

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Il y a 15 ans
I have added a  new currency as NZD (new zealand dollar) and it's not working ofr some reason...

will not work on NZD currency, you can log in with [email protected]

password: admin


Thanks to nop team.
Il y a 15 ans
I found the problem now...Specified display locale culture is not supported,

how do i fix it?

Thanks all


Log type:  AdministrationArea
Severity:  11
Message:  Specified display locale culture is not supported
Exception:  NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.NopException: Specified display locale culture is not supported at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.Directory.CurrencyManager.InsertCurrency(String Name, String CurrencyCode, Decimal Rate, String DisplayLocale, String CustomFormatting, Boolean Published, Int32 DisplayOrder, DateTime CreatedOn, DateTime UpdatedOn) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\Libraries\Nop.Common\Directory\CurrencyManager.cs:line 195 at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.CurrencyInfoControl.SaveInfo() in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\NopCommerceStore\Administration\Modules\CurrencyInfo.ascx.cs:line 76 at NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.CurrencyAddControl.AddButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\NopCommerceStore\Administration\Modules\CurrencyAdd.ascx.cs:line 38
IP address:
Customer:  [email protected]
Page URL:  http://localhost/Administration/CurrencyAdd.aspx
Created on:  4/25/2009 4:06:38 AM


anyway to fix it??
Il y a 15 ans
What are you entering as your display locale? Needs to be a specific culture i.e.
en-NZ = English - New Zealand
Il y a 15 ans
I put in en-NZ...

any other code would not work

also tried to create a new en-US currency, but would not another word, any new currency "custom created" would not work for some reason..and there's no error log message in the system.

I think this has not happen to other people as I searched the entire forum using google.

thanks a lot retroviz.. learning a bit more about aspx, I'll be a contributor..
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