Adding a new table Id column

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Il y a 11 ans
Does anyone know Id column is a required field if I want to add my custom table to Nop?

for example,
      AreaCode, Title
       02            Sydney
        03           Melborne ......

But it keeps saying ID column is missing. Areacode is a primary key field.



1. in Doamin
namespace Nop.Core.Domain.Common
    public class PhoneAreacode : BaseEntity, ICloneable
        public virtual string Areacode { get; set; }
        public virtual string Title { get; set; }
        public object Clone()
            var areacode = new PhoneAreacode()
                Areacode = this.Areacode,
                Title = this.Title,
            return areacode;

2. in Data Mapping
namespace Nop.Data.Mapping.Common
    class PhoneAreacodeMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<PhoneAreacode>
        public PhoneAreacodeMap()
            this.HasKey(a => a.Areacode);

3. Service
namespace Nop.Services.Common
    public class PhoneAreacodeService: IPhoneAreacodeService
        private readonly IRepository<Nop.Core.Domain.Common.PhoneAreacode> _phoneAreacodeRepository;
        public PhoneAreacodeService(IRepository<Nop.Core.Domain.Common.PhoneAreacode> phoneAreacodeRepository)
            _phoneAreacodeRepository = phoneAreacodeRepository;
        public List<Nop.Core.Domain.Common.PhoneAreacode> GetAllAreacodes()
            return _phoneAreacodeRepository.Table.ToList();

namespace Nop.Services.Common
    public interface IPhoneAreacodeService
        List<Nop.Core.Domain.Common.PhoneAreacode> GetAllAreacodes();
Il y a 11 ans
Just put an ID field on the record.

You may also want to consider having a published field, I feel that CreatedOn and UpdatedOn fields are a little overkill for your table however.


Il y a 11 ans
good idea to have a published field. Thanks. The custom table must have a column Id. Otherwise it won't work.

Il y a 11 ans
I feel it's invariably a good idea to have a record id field on a table, some don't strictly need it, but having seen the sort of horrible things that occur when people don't include id fields, it's probably best if one is included.
Il y a 11 ans
Usually Entity is fussy about not having some kind of primary key (id field).  I experienced that a few times when adding tables to my current implementation for Nop.  To save trouble, an id field would be advisable.  I often find myself adding another field that I reference (ProductId for example).  You can make Entity work without the id field but it's troublesome to say the least.
Il y a 11 ans
What do you do with an existing table that already has an id, but it's not called 'Id'?  I have the same issue with a custom table called SchoolId, but EF keeps adding 'Id' to the query making it fail.  

I tried the solution described here and it didn't fix the problem.  Is there a way a to pass SchoolModel (which has a [Key] attribute)  to PagedList?

Restructuring the table is not an option because it's shared by another application.
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