Doh!! Set the wrong setting

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Il y a 14 ans
So silly me tried to play with some settings to see how things work. I enabled SSL to see how that would work and now I can not get back to the Admin site to uncheck it. I can see the main page but can not login or anything else. When you modify the settings in the site where does it write to ? Is that in the Web Config or to the DB? And where can I edit it to turn it off so that my site will work again?


Il y a 14 ans
Ok, so got a little education on setting up test SSL certificates. But was able to get to the site and configure what I needed to disable the SSL option for the site. LOL Thanks anyway!
Il y a 14 ans
OK SO WHAT did you edit to get into the admin area to turn off SSL
Il y a 14 ans
nopCommerce 1.30:
1. Connect to your database
2. Open Nop_Setting table
3. Set 'Common.UseSSl' to false

nopCommerce 1.40:
You can edit this setting in web.config
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