Accepting Payments via PayPal

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Il y a 14 ans
Hi there!

I just tried to set this up & followed the instructions, but I guess I did something wrong. Would someone mind walking me through how to set up payments with PayPal? I've got the PayPal Standard. I don't know if that's what I should have chosen or not... I tried to do a test run & it didn't pop up with the PayPal website or anything. Just wondering how to set this up. Any help would be very much appreciated!

Thank you in advance!
Il y a 14 ans
Hi Onyx

Sorry to jump on your thread, but I have the exact same question and I was wondering if you found some answers.
I am accepting only paypal and put all the other payment methods to false.

While testing, at the payment info page, I was expecting to see a Paypal logo to let the user know that this is the method of payment, but no,  just fields where the user has to enter his card details.

Is it supposed to be like that ?


Il y a 14 ans
Unfortunately, no one has offered any help to me, so nope. I was wondering the same thing as you, though.

Can someone please help us? I would really like to be able to use this software, but if there's no support for it, then I guess I'll have to uninstall it & try to find something else. I realize that Thanksgiving just passed, so I'm hoping that someone has the time to respond between now and Christmas. For someone experienced with the software, I bet this is just something minor. ANY help would be greatly appreciated. I'm still waiting!

Thanks in advance.
Il y a 14 ans
"Select payment method" page is skipped when you have ONLY ONE active payment method. And if you would like a Paypal logo to be displayed during checkout, open NopCommerceStore\Templates\Payment\PayPalStandard(or PayPalDirect)\PaymentModule.ascx and place the logo there.
Il y a 14 ans
I am at this point as well.  I'm going call the PayPal tech support to see if they have support info for NopCommerce, but I don't see it on their list of supported shopping carts.  It would be nice if someone could give a detailed answer to "how do I set up nopCommerce to run PayPal standard" or point to a thread with this info.  I'd hope that it doesn't involve replacing all the "buy" buttons with PayPal "Buy" buttons!
Il y a 14 ans
Look at this topic
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