Losing /Admin/ in the path

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Il y a 11 ans
I've got a plugin going with the help of Woon Cherk Lam who frequents these forums.

I've made lots of mods and all is well except that when I go into my admin views like this.


If I click on any of the admin menu items, it looses the /admin and goes to for example http://localhost/nopCommerce/Customer/List

instead of


Can anyone let me know why this would be happening and / or how to fix it?
Il y a 11 ans
jwwelbor wrote:
I've got a plugin going with the help of Woon Cherk Lam who frequents these forums.

I've made lots of mods and all is well except that when I go into my admin views like this.


If I click on any of the admin menu items, it looses the /admin and goes to for example http://localhost/nopCommerce/Customer/List

instead of


Can anyone let me know why this would be happening and / or how to fix it?

Hi John,

Lets talk over email and sort this problem out. :D
Il y a 11 ans
check whether the links are proper. check r u changing the role admin to customer?

Il y a 11 ans
Ahh, the role changing to customer... I bet that's what's happening.
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