Your thoughts about a new default template for nopCommerce 2.70 (or 2.80)

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Il y a 11 ans
Agreed - good choice.
Il y a 11 ans
a.m. wrote:
One more option. Some of you already have seen this theme. Currently it's paid and can be downloaded here (demo is here - But Alex (the theme author) and me are currently in the process of of integration of this theme as the default one. Of course, it'll be free for everybody once integrated.

I personally like it because it's very simple and clean. Some changes will done to it, but all of them are minor. What do you think about it?

Thanks, Am.

I'm glad that you asked my opinion.

I'm talking about new format in you css. (not similar theme bootstrap.) In the example,  I can do it within two days.

Throughout the period of 3 months, I used Bootstrap. It is a sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. During the second year, and I'm using NopCommerce. I find it hard to edit css. Because they conflict.

For example

in code. @Html.NopLabelFor << You know what that is.
And I know, too, that in the bootstrap is "span3".

Return to the nopCommerce CSS.

I see. master-wrapper-leftside-3 << Yes, I know. It is a master wrapper leftside. I read it. But what is it? (Now, I know all the css, because I learned it in nopCommerce. But I'm talking about people who are just starting.)

Next, I found the class clear. I have a question. What you cleared?

I think it's time for you to change. For us to progress together.
I like you, I love nopCommerce.

Thank you.
Il y a 11 ans
a.m. wrote:
One more option. Some of you already have seen this theme. Currently it's paid and can be downloaded here (demo is here - But Alex (the theme author) and me are currently in the process of of integration of this theme as the default one. Of course, it'll be free for everybody once integrated.

I personally like it because it's very simple and clean. Some changes will done to it, but all of them are minor. What do you think about it?

I don't want to be the devil's advocate here... but has an electronics theme here which looks more modern and has mega menu and many features. If not then is a good option.
Il y a 11 ans
a.m. wrote:
One more option. Some of you already have seen this theme. Currently it's paid and can be downloaded here (demo is here - But Alex (the theme author) and me are currently in the process of of integration of this theme as the default one. Of course, it'll be free for everybody once integrated.

I personally like it because it's very simple and clean. Some changes will done to it, but all of them are minor. What do you think about it?

I think it is a very good decision to go with a clean design for the official Nopcommerce version.  

Most people will want to customize the theme a bit for their own use, or use the official theme as a starting point to create their themes.  By having a clean design, you would eliminate the need to completely strip the theme before building your own.

One of the reasons I like the theme by n-themes is that it would improve Nopcommerce with things such as tabs, slider on the home page, nice zoom feature, etc.

The only things that I might change are making the search bar on the site shorter, and perhaps changing the menu a bit but I am not sure about that one.  Should the menu bar be the width of the main page?  Or should it be thicker?

infiniti wrote:

I don't want to be the devil's advocate here... but has an electronics theme here which looks more modern and has mega menu and many features. If not then is a good option.

One problem with that theme is that many of the features are implemented as plugins.  I don't think nop-templates would want to release all their plugins as open source as that would ruin their business.
Il y a 11 ans
I agree with Tim: nice and clean, easy to customize, new visual effects, etc.
Il y a 11 ans
I agree with Tim and Eadameg.
Il y a 11 ans
infiniti wrote:
...but has an electronics theme here which looks more modern and has mega menu and many features. If not then is a good option.

The electronics theme by is great. But...not as a default one. I absolutely agree with Tim2376 here
Il y a 11 ans
Good choice!
N-theme's electronics is simple, white and is a good starting point.
Il y a 11 ans
Hi Guys,

I think this discussion has veered a bit in the wrong way.
It is not important what the design of the theme will be so much as what the generated html is.
I agree, that the design needs to be a good one (catchy in fact), but there are so many improvements that can be done to the html itself, not only to make the theme more modern but also much easier to customize.

So we were thinking of developing a new free theme for nopCommerce. But given the current discussion we thought that it might be a good idea to contribute it as a default theme to nopCommerce.

You can choose the design, or we can draw it for you from scratch or according to sample web sites that you like. The important thing is that we will develop the html in a way that will contain an enormous amount of improvements and will allow for much better styling of nopCommerce. Without going into the technical details (we can discuss this with Andrei and the developers) we can do the following:

1. Make the html and the css of the theme much more modern and optimized (right now it contains quite a few old fashioned markup back from the days when html was being written with IE 6 in mind).

2. Make the html and the css consistent across the whole web site (chaining the theme will be much more possible via css only).

3. Make the generated html less.

I hope this all makes sense and if you are interested do let us know, we would love to do something about this.
Il y a 11 ans
7Spikes wrote:

Hi Milen,

Thanks a lot for your suggestions and willing to help. I would suggest the following. Alex ( will contribute his electronics theme (we already discussed all the details about it) and it'll be integrated in nopCommerce within the next 1-2 weeks. Once it's done, you'll create a fork on Codeplex with your suggestions and improvements. Then I'll merge them into the official release. What do you and the others think?
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