Detailed instructions how to upgrade from 2.70 to 2.80

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Il y a 11 ans
i upgraded my 2.70 site to version 2.80 with no source,
and i wrote detailed instructions how to do that (for myself for other sites or future versions).
i saw the readme with the upgrade information,
but i wanted much more details, so i will not have to think how to do it next time.

please, if you see anything to add or to update, please reply so we will have update instructions.
this is the exact method i did the upgrade.

keep in mind that i have my own theme and i have a custom CSS, so in your place things might be different !
the "styles.css" changed A LOT, so there are a lot of work regarding the CSS (unless you don't want to be up-to-date)...

The instructions -

1. Download both files -
nopCommerce 2.80 - Web (no source)
nopCommerce 2.80 - Upgrade script
from -
and extract the files.

2. Shutdown the site

3. Backup DB

4. Execute the upgrade script on the DB

5. Rename the main folder to XXX_270 (where XXX is the name of the site name)
this will be the backup of our site of version 2.70

6. Create a new folder with the same site name (XXX)

7. Copy (don't move) all the files and folders from the extracted "nopCommerce 2.80 - Web (no source)"
to the new folder we just created.

8. Overwrite the following files from the XXX_270 folder to the new folder (XXX) :
  and all the files from Folder : Content\Images\uploaded

9. copy theme folder (assuming that you have a custom one)
from XXX_270\Themes\MyXXXTheme
to XXX\Themes\MyXXXTheme

10. copy the following files to your theme folder (Themes\MyXXXTheme)-
Themes\DefaultClean\Content\styles.css (assuming you have your own custom CSS file and you didn't change the original CSS, otherwise, you need to a lot of compare)
Themes\DefaultClean\Content\styles.rtl.css (assuming you have your own custom CSS file and you didn't change the original CSS, otherwise, you need to a lot of compare)
(i don't care if i need those images, i notice i didn't had them before, so i copied them)

11. check with Beyond Compare (or other file compare tool), the following files, and merge them -

12. if you did any change to other files in your theme,
compare each of them, so you will have the updated version !

13. copy plugins that you had in 2.70 to XXX\Plugins
but they should support version 2.80 or they will not work...

14. run the site, and check !

have fun.

Il y a 10 ans
I appreciate your detailed update readme.

I'm upgrading an old 2.3 installation with little to know customizations.

Since from what I read I want to make a clarification.

If your going to be stepping the upgrades I'm going from 2.3 to 3.1 then I would grab all the update scripts you need but you should only need the back up files and the current version files. I don't see anywhere were there is any thing that needs the middle version files unless you actually need to run the site between each update. So basically I'm going to backup, run the scripts and upload the current version, then replace the backed up settings files.

We'll see how that goes.
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