Embed product box in another website.

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Il y a 11 ans
I would like to embed a "product box" like on the categories page in another website/bog with the price and add to cart button that redirects to the nop site.. Is there an easy way to do this?
Il y a 11 ans
Have you tried using an iframe?
Il y a 11 ans
iframes are not an option.

see: http://braveclients.com/code/iframes-why-are-iframes-bad/
Il y a 11 ans
The only other option I can think of is that you would need some of the development that went into

Il y a 11 ans
Thanks for you help JonNopper, but paying for a 3rd party solution specifically for facebook isn't what i'm after.

What i'm looking for is similar in function to how olark embeds a chat dialog in a website.

Except that where I put the <div>'s is where I want the product box to show up.

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Il y a 11 ans
You will need to connect to the nop database from the site you wish to embed the data in and pull out the required product/ productvariant information.

You could do that using a webservice that you would have to add to nop.

Then format the data and display.

Which brings us to why iFrames are good - you don't have to do the above ;)
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