Advance Search Option

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Il y a 14 ans

I have no knowledge about codes.
The product for my online store is Books.
People do wish to search books not only by there title or description but also by ISBN or Bar code or by Authors.

For all pages a simple search box that search Product Name i.e. Book Title is fine but for the Search Page by default there is only one option that is to search in Product Description.

What I need for my online store Advance Search page are few Text boxes i.e. Search Title, Search ISBN, Search Bar Code, Search Author, Search Description. The buyer can use any of these fields or more then one field to search his desired book.

Can anyone help me with this please.
Il y a 14 ans
maybe it is useful for you to know if you do not realise:

entering text in the main search box searches only product title, but you will notice that on the search.aspx page, you can select the option to search also product descriptions - this searches both the short and long descriptions for each product - i presume your author , ISBN, bar code etc. information is stored in the descriptions? So, i search should find these items for your customer.
Il y a 14 ans
I will be having separate columns for ISBN, Bar Code & Author in Product table...
so I guess the search page with the option to search description will not be able to search that.

That's the reason I want 5 Texboxes in Search page for Book Title, ISBN, Bar Code, Author, Description.
Viewer can fill search text in any one or more then 1 textbox at a time to search his desired books.
Il y a 14 ans
Without modifying any code, you could use the product variant sku field to hold the author, ISBN, and barcode (up to 100 characters) as this field is searched by default (in addition to product and product variant name fields) and is not displayed on the product's page.

Searching by entering a barcode, ISBN, or author's name in the search box should then return one book (providing there is an entry for it) as long as the full ISBN or barcode is entered (since they should be unique) else you could get multiple matches for partial barcodes or ISBNs and author's names (if they have more than one book).

Il y a 14 ans
whats "product variant sku field" sorry I am new to codes and have no knowledge.

Well we really do need separate columns for ISBN, Bar Code and Author in our product database for many reasons, most important because we have more then 2000 books and more will be added soon.

We want to make search as user friendly as possible, here is an example;
Lets say if a person wants to buy a book Published Microsoft Press with an author same something like John ... ISBN is 10 digit code. .... searching for Author John can result in to 100s of books even from any other author name John...... if the person even remembers even few digits of ISBN or Bar Code and he puts them in the ISBN or bar Code text box while searching for Author John ... he might be able to find his book easily.
Il y a 14 ans
I was only suggesting a way you could have the ISBN, barcode, and author name included in searches from the search box without having to search in the product description (which, by default, is unavailable from the search box) and without having to modify any source code. If you need more control over searching, you will have to modify the source code and database (tables and stored procedures).

The field I was referring to is in the Administration area. See the documentation for information about product variants. The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) field is on the product variant details page.

There was an error in my previous post (now corrected); I meant to say 'multiple matches' instead of 'partial matches'.

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