Payment Management

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Il y a 14 ans
I am writing a module for support of Nova (Elavon) Virtual Terminal processing. I have written the all the neccessary  modules and template modules, I am finishing the Payment Processor module, An Approval seems fairly straight forward, if it passes values to the Order Manager module, my question is how does the processPaymentResult properies interact with the completion of processing? Do they pass values to the Order Manager?

Any help on how the flow actually works would save me some research time...

Il y a 14 ans
Follow up, the processPaymentResult properties are passed to the orderManager as paramaters for insert. I was confused over how the processPaymentResult.Error was used. some of the paymentProcessor(s) pass a decline to the processPaymentResult.Error property, I assumed that was required.
Il y a 12 ans
I would love to see that ... do you care to share or sell that payment module ??

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