Email not being Sent

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Il y a 14 ans

Whenever I try to send E-mail that contains HTML images I always get an error message as:  

Transaction failed. The server response was: 5.6.0 Your mail message was flagged as spam. Message not accepted

Please let me know the solution to fix this.
Gurpreet Singh
Il y a 14 ans
is your email been rejected by target mail server? you can try test mail in admin page->global settings->mail
Il y a 14 ans

I tried sending the E-Mail from the Admin Section only (Global Settings) but I am getting the same error message:

Transaction failed. The server response was: 5.6.0 Your mail message was flagged as spam. Message not accepted

Basically I had created a common template (a HTML design) and that template gets embedded with every outgoing email and whenever the body of the E-Mail being sent contains HTML image tags (i.e. <img src="URL" alt="ALTERNATE TEXT" /> ) I get that Error Message. If I remove the image tags from the HTML being sent the E-Mail is sent successfully.

Gurpreet Singh
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