www.katehhstudio.co.uk NopCommerce 3.1

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Il y a 10 ans

Here at 3X Software, we've also launched our second site based on the latest version of NopCommerce.
The site design is based on the Beauty theme by Nop-templates.com and it uses a large number of the Nop-templates plugins, which we're greatly impressed with!
The theme was customised to the customers requirements.
Additional customisations for this site include:
- Integrating with the payment provider SecureTrading. We've written a plugin for this which we'll make available soon
- Shipping calculation based on customer role as well as order total, plugin is now available here.
- We've written a plugin for stockist locator. This allows customers to sign up on the website and apply to be a stockist. Once they're approved to be a stockist, the plugin locates them from their shipping address and uses google geocoding service to find their latitude and longitude. The customer can then search for stockists entering their postcode. The distance is calculated and stockists shown on a google map (see http://katehhstudio.co.uk/FindaStockist)
- a plugin for Newsletter by customer role. Admin can use the default NopCommerce campaigns functionality to create a campaign, then they can send the campaign through the Plugin and choose customer roles to send the newsletter to. This allows them to send out different newsletters to guests, registered customers and stockists
- a large number of customisations based on customer roles. The site uses customer roles: retail, trade and stockists and products/prices shown on the site depend on the customer role

Thank you to the NopCommerce team for continuing to provide an excellent e-commerce solution and thank you to the Nop-templates team for the very impressive beauty theme and plugins and very helpful support
Il y a 10 ans
We are impressed with the customizations that you did to the Nop Beauty Responsive Theme. The website is professionally done and looks really great! Thank you for your positive feedback about our products and services. I would like to let you know that we have included the website in our customer portfolio, you can have a look at it here.

Keep up the good work!

Best Regards,
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