install on godaddy configuration . pls help me

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Il y a 14 ans
the forget password fuction can not work.

try several times.
Il y a 14 ans
When you say it doesn't work do you mean that you do not get an email?  If that is the case it is because you have not set up the email properly.  Since you can not log into the administrationsection yet you willneed to doit manually.

First make sure you have setup an email address on godaddy using the email account that comes with your hosting plan or domain name. Remember the email address you set up and the password you used.  you will need them in the following steps.

Go back to the database.  There is a table dbo.Nop_Setting.  Filling the following items

Email.AdminEmailAddress                      The email address you have on godaddy.  the one you use to login to email.
Email.AdminEmailPort                             25
Email.AdminEmailUser                            Same as Email.AdminEmailAddress
Email.AdminEmailPassword                     The password to your email account on godaddy
Email.AdminEmailEnableSsl                     False
Email.AdminEmailUserDefaultCredentials  False

Save your changes.

Once you complete these steps go back and do the forgot password link.  If it does not work at first wait a half hour just in case godaddy needs time to process things and try again.

You should get an email which tells you how to get access to your account.
Il y a 14 ans

try this... it will work

Login to your database file.

Try to insert data into Nop_Customer using the following code.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Nop_Customer] ([CustomerID], [CustomerGUID], [Email], [PasswordHash], [SaltKey], [AffiliateID], [BillingAddressID], [ShippingAddressID], [LastPaymentMethodID], [LastAppliedCouponCode], [LanguageID], [CurrencyID], [IsAdmin], [Active], [Deleted], [RegistrationDate], [IsGuest], [TaxDisplayTypeID], [TimeZoneID], [Username], [IsForumModerator], [TotalForumPosts], [AvatarID], [Signature]) VALUES (37, '18c4f7dc-2964-41db-9611-8a313bf672d3', '[email protected]', '14F009DDBEF203EDC2124D54FA6D325E16E36D77', 'vw7zHZI=', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 7, 1, 1, 1, 0, CAST(0x00009B3600C2192F AS DateTime), 0, 1, '', '[email protected]', 1, 0, 0, '')

I am 100% sure, if you do it correctly, it will work

after you have done this

use following credentials for login

email : [email protected]

pass : admin

I am sure it will work.

If you are unable to do it, let me know i will do it for you.

Il y a 14 ans
i think i will delet all and re install the shop to try
Il y a 14 ans
if possible let me try it for you ?
Il y a 14 ans
yes pls if you wanna , all the pass i put in the links already .

also the the sql serve pass Rong888
Il y a 14 ans

i tried to login into your database but it doesn't let me in.

Please give me following details.

URL : (To get this, go to godaddy -> Hosting -> Databases -> SQL Server -> Manage via web admin) This link would open a new window and prompt for id and pass. Give me URL of this page

ID : your user id for database

Pass : your pass for database

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