Where is the SQL script that creates the tables in the database for a new 3.20 installation?

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Il y a 10 ans

Using nopCommerce 3.20 with source in VS 2013 Pro.

Where is the SQL script that creates the tables in the database for a new installation?

I used the debugger during installation and stopped on this line from Libraries\Nop.Data\Initializers\CreateTablesIfNotExist.cs:
var dbCreationScript = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript();

dbCreationScript contains a bunch of these: "create table [dbo].[Category]", but I don't know how to figure out where it gets those create statements.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Il y a 10 ans
Database generation script is automatically generated by Entity Framework Code-First
Il y a 10 ans
Thanks Andrei.

I just wanted to get an idea of how the tables are created using SQL.

I will copy the contents of var dbCreationScript and that should help me.

Il y a 6 ans
Hi All,

I have downloaded the latest version nopCommerce_3.90_Source. But I didn't find database script. Can anybody send me the nop ecommerce database script to create database.

Please email the script to email below or share google drives.

[email protected] or [email protected]

Lieu Hoang
Il y a 6 ans
Hi All,

I have downloaded the latest version nopCommerce_3.90_Source. But I didn't find database script. Can anybody send me the nop ecommerce database script to create database.

Please email the script to email below or share google drives.

[email protected]
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