Product Catalog Only - No Pricing / Cart / Orders

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Il y a 10 ans

Has anyone implemented a nopCommerce solution where it is just used as a simple product catalog without pricing, cart, orders, etc...  There will be a homepage with a banner rotator, set of featured categories, and then the user can drill into products and learn more about them.

Long term, I believe the site will open up to more commerce capabilities which is why I would prefer to start with a good foundation rather than rebuild it later on a package.  Any advice would be appreciated.  I don't have depth on the architecture yet so I'm just looking for some solid starting points.

Il y a 10 ans
Wouldn't you just change the views to hide the cart / price functionalities? What is the issue?
Il y a 10 ans
With ACL you can disable prices, shopping cart and wish list.
Il y a 10 ans
Thanks for the feedback and please understand that I posted to the forum because I know very little about the product at this point and don't want to make assumptions if the community knows quickly about certain ideas.  

Basically, I know I can go in and start hacking at the views to make the UI what I want but things like ACL (that I'm now learning exists) are helpful in keeping the integrity of the views short term knowing that I'm going to be opening them up later on.  Those are the types of options I'm looking for as I don't want phase 1 of my project to be commenting out a bunch of code and then having to bring it back in later if configurations can support the objectives I need.

I suspect there are certain things that I will have to do in ACL and others in the views.  Did anyone have thoughts on how to deal with document attachments associated with a product?

Il y a 8 ans
Tecnofin wrote:
With ACL you can disable prices, shopping cart and wish list.

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