Installation Permission Problems

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Il y a 14 ans
Hi all.
I have downloaded nopCommerce 1.40 and am trying to install it onto a windows XP pc (this will be used as a localhost machine whilst I have play with nopCommerce), running IIS5.1 and ASP.Net 3.5 service pack 1.
I also have SQL server 2005 express edition. I did have SQL Server 2008 installed but as I could not get nopCommerce installed using that I removed SLQ 2008 and reinstalled 2005.

I have put all the nopCommerce files into a folder within the www directory and created a virtual directory in IIS pointing to the said folder.

When I try to install nopCommerce using "http://localhost/shop/install/install.aspx" the first error I get is,

"The TOWER\ASPNET account is not granted with Modify permission on folder C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\shop\.

Although this is not an error, it's highly recommended that you configure these permissions."

TOWER is the name of my PC. I have checked the permissions and I do have Read, Write Execute, set up.

I then click the "Skip" button to get to the next screen.
Then I choose windows authentication, the go on to the next page which asks if I  would like to Create A New
Database or an exisitng one. I chose to use an exisiting one called nopShop, also I checked "Create sample
data" then clicked Next.

I then get this error
"An error occured: Cannot open database "nopShop" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'TOWER\ASPNET'.
Running scripts from file: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\shop\install\Scripts\nopCommerce_createDatabase.sql"

I have tried endless times to change permissions in IIS and SQL server but I seem to be going round in circles. Any advice would be appreciated.

Il y a 14 ans
Hi Peter,

Can your store see the database? if so, you are connecting to the database.

Do you have a tool to connect to your SQL Server database? (such as SQL Server Management Studio)? If so, can you open your database and run a basic SQL command (such as creating a table) in your chosen database?

If you can, run the script manually (just copy and paste the contents into the script window and click run). This will then add the sample product data for you.

Things to check are the ConnectionStrings.config and web.config files. Do a search on here for web.config as a change is often needed to get the store to connect to your chosen database.

Il y a 14 ans
Thanks for the reply, I am still non the wiser, and still getting the same permission problems, I have bought the manual, but this is not very helpul either.
There must be an easier way to explain the installation in the manual, I have checked my permissions again all the nessecary folders have the correct permissions as stated in the manual, BUT when I run the install I am told the permissions are not set.
Il y a 12 ans
I tried using v1.5, with MSSQL 2008 Express  in WinXP.
I think most probably you are using window authentication/"Integrated Security=True", where you have to add "XXX\ASPNET" as a sql user, where XXX is your PC name? It might be not a good practice though.
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