Razor intellisense in plugin project

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Il y a 9 ans
  yes i am using references from project packages as you write. Still not work
Il y a 9 ans
Can you copy/paste your <plugin>.csproj and web.config here?
Il y a 9 ans
Whew... Mine had broken again - it was only falsely working before.  I fixed by adding a web.config into my Views folder so the project knows it's an MVC folder.  I copied the one from Nop.Web/Views, then closed and reopened the solution (to force a re-index), and voila!  However, now I have other problems the newly enabled intellisense exposed!
Il y a 9 ans
Nothing has worked for me so I've just had to do views without intellisense.
Il y a 9 ans
I still cannot get it to work. Very inproductive...
Il y a 9 ans
Please sign in and vote that Microsoft pays attention to this issue:
Il y a 9 ans
This is not only in my project. It is in all projects in pluging folder...
Il y a 9 ans
Well wrote:
This is not only in my project. It is in all projects in pluging folder...

Hi, if so many people are unable to resolve it, and there are so many posts on the internet....please do drop your comment at the Microsoft team and vote to receive assistance.
Il y a 9 ans
I was also only getting partial intellisense, I didn't notice until I got down to using custom Nop classes.  After a whole lot of trial and error, the only way I could get it working is by converting the Class Library project into an MVC project.  I voted for the fix on the microsoft site, and also added the workaround there.  I edited my project's csproj file with:

1. In <PropertyGroup>, add <ProjectTypeGuids>{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids>
2. Add another import at the bottom: <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" Condition="false" />

Let me know if anyone else does this and later runs into issues because of it.
Il y a 9 ans
For me this does not work. I get generic intellisense on int, string etc. But my models do not have it.
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