Email friend error

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Il y a 9 ans
Hello ......... can you helpme plase ???

I'm using nopcommerce 3.3 ...

mmmm  my language english is verey bad ... i'm sorry

I have a problem

When a sent Email frind message .... >>> Your message has been sent

When you check my e-mail. the message don't sent

in administration >>> system >>> log >>> Error sending e-mail. The operation has timed out ...... why

when i click view error >>> He show me this message


Error sending e-mail. The operation has timed out.

System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: The operation has timed out. at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message) at Nop.Services.Messages.EmailSender.SendEmail(EmailAccount emailAccount
String subject, String body, MailAddress from, MailAddress to, IEnumerable`1 bcc, IEnumerable`1 cc, String attachmentFilePath, String attachmentFileName) at Nop.Services.Messages.EmailSender.SendEmail(EmailAccount emailAccount, String subject, String body, String fromAddress, String fromName, String toAddress, String toName, IEnumerable`1 bcc, IEnumerable`1 cc, String attachmentFilePath, String attachmentFileName) at Nop.Services.Messages.QueuedMessagesSendTask.Execute()

plase any one can helpme
Il y a 9 ans
Hi Please,

Check you email accounts settings is correct and is that send test mail is working.

Admin>>Configufation >>EmailAccount

or by this link Admin/EmailAccount/List.

Might be your email server is taking more time to respond.
Il y a 9 ans
Generally this error occured due to incorrect information of smtp server or internet connection problem. (+ Firewall)
Il y a 9 ans

LOOK This piture

Why can not I send a message when i press the top button

Help me plase !!!
Il y a 9 ans
any one can help me plase !!
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