Missing alt tag text on Site Logo image Google PageSpeed Insights flag

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Il y a 9 ans
Hi support, running some optimization tests on PageSpeed Insights and other engines, we are getting a lower valuation due to this warning (referred to the Logo image plugin)

image has no alt text!
This image is not following part of the Google guidelines. Add alt text.
image has no dimensions (height/width)!

I can't find a way to correct this issue on VS2013
any help solving this will be appreciated
Thank you
PS. We posted it first in Nop-Template forum, see it here

Its Support answer:

By default from nopCommerce the logo image comes with empty alt attribute.
<img title="" alt="" src="@Url.Content(logoPath)">

I admit that we haven`t saw that and this is really big fallback from nopCommerce.
You can suggest this to nopCommerce, as we are going to do, so they may fix it.
We are starting to fix it in all our themes.
Thanks for reporting this issue.

Best Regards !
Il y a 9 ans
Agree about alt/title. Thanks a lot. I've jsut created a work item

But "image has no dimensions (height/width)" is quite weird suggestion. Nobody follows this suggestion nowadays
Il y a 9 ans
Right Andrei, but Google desk minions think that is cool to nitpick to assert their gendarme power on us :-) just kidding!
Il y a 9 ans
Done. Please see changeset c2c6a24c3036
Il y a 9 ans
a.m. wrote:
Done. Please see changeset c2c6a24c3036

Hi Andrei,

I think it should be localized.

string storeName = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IStoreContext>().CurrentStore.GetLocalized(x => x.Name);

p.s: There are other places in 3.4 where CurrentStore.Name is used directly rather than with a localized value i.e ProductTemplate.xxx.cshtml files.

Il y a 9 ans

Thanks a lot. Fixed.
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