One more problem with EditorTemplates(solved)

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Il y a 9 ans
I have replaced the RichEditor.cshtml and the problem with URLs was solved.
Now I'm preparing for upgrade my store from 2.80 to 3.30 and select and copy the contents of a few topics.
In the topics have a simple onclick="history.go(-1);" which the Editor insists on delete.
I need go to database and reinsert the script manually for he back to work.
I search in the forums and not find a solution for this problem.
Somebody have a clue of how fix it?
Il y a 9 ans
I don't think it's a nopCommerce bug. It's better to address such configuration questions to TinyMCE developers.

Please also have a look at the following article (haven't tested) -
Il y a 9 ans
Many Thanks a.m

I solve the problem with a:

valid_elements: "*[*]" in tinymce.init

Best Regards.
Il y a 9 ans
leodemario, my thanks to you. I had the same problem and you have solved it for me. I have voted your post up.
Il y a 9 ans
Minor update. The upcoming version 3.50 has "adminareasettings.richeditorallowjavascript" setting indicating whether rich editor should support javascript (disabled by default).
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