How to set up a recurring payment for a specific product?

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Il y a 9 ans
I am facing a problem to set up a monthly payment for a specific product. I noticed I can set recurring product. Some of requirements can't be solved only use recurring product.

The product is to provide one, six or twelve month services to customers. My question is if I could let customer to choose the total cycles. For example, if customer chooses 6 month, the total cycle of the payment for this product will be 6. Right now I set it up as quantity. Customer could add other products which are not recurring product to the shopping cart. When customer checks out, only this product charges one month fee. All other products charge total price.

I am using Moneris payment gateway. There is a payment plugin from Moneris. How could I add the recurring payment to the plugin.

Is there any other method to solve my problem?

Many Thanks,

Il y a 9 ans
Hi Amy, have you managed to solve your problems with recurring products? I'm also facing some problems with them.

Regarding letting the user to select the number of cycles, I think the only way is customizing a recurring payment method plugin to take the cycles from, let's say, an attribute (user could select it from radio buttons, for example) instead that from the product configuration as it's normally done.
Il y a 9 ans
It has been solved.
Il y a 7 ans

Can you please share what setup did you use to solve this?
Il y a 7 ans
An old post mpetrov but I've implemented a fairly reasonable out of the box solution for this with a grouped product and three simple variants. The main grouped product has the description with the available variants listed below it. The variants are simple products with recurring monthly, six monthly and yearly subscriptions.

I also tried the product variants as product attributes in a dropdown but they didn't display the auto-renew option before payment.

I'm having a hell of a time finding a payment gateway that supports it. I've just waited forever to switch to PayPal Pro, only to discover Australian PayPal only supports PayFlow, which isn't supported natively by the nopCommerce PayPal Direct plugin (“ShortMessage: DPRP is disabled. ErrorCode: 11586”).
Il y a 7 ans
I wasted about four weeks trying to get PayPal Direct operational and eventually gave up. They still billed me for the first month even though I never used it. If you're in Australia, they will only enable PayFlow and that needs an expensive plugin on top of the $25 per month. It doesn't work with the freeware nopCommerce PayPal Direct plugin.

I highly recommend eWay. All configured in a week including a merchant bank account with Westpac. It does cost $70USD for the third party plugin but no monthly fee like PayPal. Their customer service and admin website are leagues above PayPal.

Recurring payments are finally fully operational with eWay.
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