nopCommerce Enterprise Edition v2.00 released (UPDATE: There's no Enterprise edition)

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Il y a 14 ans
Great work NopCommerce team. Keep up the good work.

Il y a 14 ans
Thanks a lot Andrie for answering our questions, We all appreciate what nopCommerce team is doing for us.
Il y a 14 ans
Welovewines wrote:
If we could see a community release with bug fixes and some new features, that would be really good. Is there a fixed date?

P.S Enterprise version, is it a one-off payment, then you benefit from every new enterprise feature in the future? or per release?


The next Community Edition will be released in 3 weeks (maximum).

Regarding Enterprise version. Yes, it's a one-time payment (one year upgrades included)
Il y a 14 ans
So, here is one more announcement.

Hello everybody,

as much as i am disappointed in not having a much expected release yesterday, i have to be real and looked at the situation from all sides. There is a situation here and it is a fact. nopCommerce Team can't write code for an open source solution and get nothing back. There is a much more urgent matter that takes priority over any of my features and requirements needs and anybody else's: if the Team cannot put food on the table, they can't produce. It is as simple as it sounds.

Please don't make premature conclusions! I want to assure you that we'll be working on both of our nopCommerce editions. And both of them will be good!
Il y a 14 ans

We just felt we were let down for few hours. from your comments, I personaly feel your commitment to the community and besides the good work, it only gives me one more reason to stick with you.

I am behind you and hope all of us are.

Keep Up the good work.

Il y a 14 ans
I agree with this post. But..

Firstly well done Andrie and the team for being brave enough to drop the price to $399 so promptly. I did wake up this morning thinking you’d forgot the decimal point and it was really $89.99 but $500 less still a big improvement.

I think the lesson here is better communication. I never expected nopCom to be free forever and I sort of gathered this when the questionnaire for the enterprise version went out but I did expect the free version to have a minor upgrade (i.e.1.5 ) and maybe v2.0 to be a single domain box version and a the enterprise version to be aimed at full time developers.

Maybe I misunderstood and maybe nopCommerce were a bit unclear in explaining the path of upgrades. But I stopped developing waiting for 1.5 and this is what has annoyed me most and I am not on a “mission critical” project.

nopCommerce can potentially be as good as any e-commerce package out there, it may take a couple more years to achieve but it’s the community and developers who will be part of that. I don’t want to preach but if you rush it you’ll go bust, if you’re patient you can sit back and the money will come in happily.

I don’t expect Andrei and the team to do all this work for free and I’ll happily pay for the software as things improve but you need to be clear on what you let people think. Like someone said we were all so busy asking about the new bits we forgot to ask about the price. There is definitely a feeling of being misled by some people.

Having said that I still believe nopCommerce is the best package for my future  projects and I’m prepared to put in the necessary time to learn the aspects of the product I don’t know (vb to C# and Access to SQL, etc.).

Obviously there are some unhappy people out there but I’m sure Andrei and the team are pretty disappointed at the response too.

All I can say Andrie is you’ve done a great job so far. If the response to all the work you’ve done on v2 is disheartening I’d simply take it on board get on with v3 (after v1.5 of course).

You’ve certainly got my support and I’m right behind nopCommerce. So I’m gonna get on with posting about the product from now on.

PS. can we have a proper wishlist to get some priority on future improvements please.
Il y a 14 ans
rcnopcom wrote:
PS. can we have a proper wishlist to get some priority on future improvements please.

Sure. Would you like me to prepare this wishlist? Or would like community to prepare this wishlist?
Il y a 14 ans
I guess my biggest issue with this is that some of the functionality you have been promising us for a while now (send shipping tracking to customers, editing orders, etc) are only going to be included in the enterprise edition. It wouldn’t bother me so much if I didn’t have existing estimates that I’ve already sent out which were waiting for the fabled  “end of March 1.5 release” and had $50 quoted for Nopcommerce. You guys need to be a whole heck of a lot more organized and forthcoming with the community if you expect us to stick with a company that some of us think simply “bait and switched” us.

I mean seriously? Shipping tracking is an enterprise feature? I don’t know about in Russia, but people in America are used to getting Shipping Tracking with every ecommerce transaction. This is not an Enterprise feature, this should be a standard feature with EVERY shopping cart.

You mentioned in a pervious post that the next version of nopcommerce was going to include order editing, is this happening with 1.5 or not? I need to know ASAP so I can make other plans with my current project.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the need to make money, but there is a right way to go about it, and a wrong way. Hiding behind a bunch of smoke and mirrors looks bad.
Il y a 14 ans
hex1848 wrote:
You mentioned in a pervious post that the next version of nopcommerce was going to include order editing, is this happening with 1.5 or not? I need to know ASAP so I can make other plans with my current project.

Order editing is not implemented yet and will not be available in nopCommerce Community Edition 1.5
Il y a 14 ans
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:

Sure. Would you like me to prepare this wishlist? Or would like community to prepare this wishlist?

Hello Andrei , i guess it would be great if you could post survey questions and we all community members answer those questions, i guess that will help you in getting the idea what's in the mind of all the users along with the wish-list for future version(s).

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