Storing images

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Il y a 14 ans
Now that we have the option of storing product images in the file system instead of in the database, are there any inherent advantages/disadvantages to either method?  Thinking mostly about execution speed, but would like to know in general.  Thanks.
Il y a 14 ans
you have to decide which to use before you start images to products.

ie: if you start with "storein database" and insert product images then you switch, and add images, the previously inserted images before the switch will not be found and the reverse is true.
Il y a 14 ans
think database size - if you have a lot of modestly sized images your database will fill up faster  - i think some of the cheaper plans have quite small database allowance
Il y a 14 ans
Yes, I only have a 200mb database.  I would much rather have my images in the file system and use my database for data.

Il y a 14 ans
Filesystem it is.   Thanks for the responses.  Dell
Il y a 14 ans
Where do you change this setting?
Il y a 14 ans
hi helgard

got to admin

configuration-->all settings

Media.Images.StoreInDB     (should be on page 5 )   set to false  

while you are there, you should look over some of the other settings just to familiarise yourself (some of them can  be altered from other parts of admin eg configuration-->global settings)
Il y a 14 ans

I was looking for:

Name: Pictures.InsertToDatabase
Value: false

The way I had it in 1.4

All fixed now.
Il y a 14 ans
Another question:

Does 1.5 store the download sample file in the database? And if so, how do you change it so that it doesn't?

I am setting up a store that sells digital products, and I only have 90 products in and it keeps running out of space. The error message I get looks like this:

Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.Nop_Download'.'Nop_Download_PK' in database 'pranopv15d2703' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
Il y a 14 ans

Set the database to grow automatically.
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