nopCommerce 3.70 roadmap and estimated release date. Let's discuss.

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Il y a 8 ans
fafg wrote:
Hi Andrei, is NopCommerce 3.70 coming with ASP .NET vNext? I could not see in the issue list.

my best regards,


Hi Fabiano,

vNext is not released yet. It'll take a lot of time to migrate. And anyway we should wait some time after the RTM release. So it won't be available in 3.70
Il y a 8 ans
Thanks Andrei o/
Il y a 8 ans
Is it good idea if next version of Nop has the feature let user login by their phone number?
Il y a 8 ans
Caution about being an early adopter of ASP.NET vNEXT

My webhost didn't install .NET 4.5 until this summer. I've been stuck using .NET 4.0 and NopCommerce 2.65 until now.
They don't Believe in being an early adopter :(

I've asked them about .NET 4.6 and future versions and got a vague answer that It is being looked into but no decisions has been made.

If you step up to ASP.NET vNEXT in Nop 3.70 there is a risk that I will be stuck in version 3.60 for a while.
Maybe wait until Nop 4.00 Before stepping up?
Il y a 8 ans
jorbjo wrote:
Caution about being an early adopter of ASP.NET vNEXT

My webhost didn't install .NET 4.5 until this summer. I've been stuck using .NET 4.0 and NopCommerce 2.65 until now.
They don't Believe in being an early adopter :(

I've asked them about .NET 4.6 and future versions and got a vague answer that It is being looked into but no decisions has been made.

If you step up to ASP.NET vNEXT in Nop 3.70 there is a risk that I will be stuck in version 3.60 for a while.
Maybe wait until Nop 4.00 Before stepping up?


We won't migrate to vNext in version 3.70. Please see this post of mine
Il y a 8 ans
I`m not sure if someone had mentioned about, but..
If we have multistore option, it would be great, if we could filter also Bestsellers in each store.
Il y a 8 ans
nop4you wrote:
If we have multistore option, it would be great, if we could filter also Bestsellers in each store.


Thanks a lot. I've just create a work item
Il y a 8 ans
Is it possible to show message when coupon code is applied or failed to applied?

Like sometime happen minimum purchase should be xx.x amount or user must purchase some of these product to avail discount and user keep trying to apply discount or may be discount coupon has already been applied at that time i want to show them message.
Il y a 8 ans

please add a Hidden Input AttributeControlType.

I'm making some custom changes to support contact lenses. A contact lense can have 6 product attributes, each one with a lot of options (radius, diameter, power, etc.) However, there are subtle rules involved in the attributes that don't let me use the attribute combinations as they are: I can have up to 300.000 different combinations but not all of them are applicable so I had to implement a rule engine to evaluate what attribute values to show after selecting an attribute.

My implementation uses new classes for the rules and the attributes but fits nicely on the of NopCommerce so when a customer selects all attribute values for the contact lenses, I save the correct SKU in an ProductAttribute that I'm not showing, and the final attribute combination in another ProductAttribute that I'm not showing either (f.e. Radius=+8,60; Power=-08,25; Diameter=+14,20...). This way when a customer adds the product to the cart the SKU and Description attributes are popullated properly as my classes are just for showing nested dropdownlists with values based on rules. Currently I'm using ProductAttributes of type TextBox but I had to change ~/Views/Product/_ProductAttributes.cshtml to support hiding ProductAttributes. If you can add a Hidden Input control type for ProductAttributes I don't have to change anything in the core.

Thank you very much
Il y a 8 ans
Please modify the SettingController to make it more extensible without modifying the code.

You should change the following things:
1) Make the settings class partial
2) Make the actions virtual
3) Add template methods in the action to allow subclasses to work without duplicating code

For example, if I want to add more settings to the Catalog I can't do it without modifying the code.

1) Make the settings class partial
The class Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.CatalogSettings is not partial. You should add partial to its definition.
The class Nop.Admin.Models.Settings.CatalogSettingsModel is partial so it's OK.

2) Make the actions virtual
All the actions in the settings controller are not virtual. You should add virtual to:

public ActionResult Catalog()


public ActionResult Catalog(CatalogSettingsModel model)

so I can inherit from the settings controller and override those actions if needed.

3) Add template methods in the action to allow subclasses to work without duplicating code

In the previous action you also need to add a template method so subclasses can update the settings before clearing the cache and making the notifications or do something after loading the settings class. For example, in the Catalog action:

public virtual ActionResult Catalog()

           // template method to notify subclasses
            OnLoadingCatalogSettings(catalogSettings, model, storeScope);

            return View(model);

public virtual ActionResult Catalog(CatalogSettingsModel model)

            if (model.DisplayTaxShippingInfoOrderDetailsPage_OverrideForStore || storeScope == 0)
                _settingService.SaveSetting(catalogSettings, x => x.DisplayTaxShippingInfoOrderDetailsPage, storeScope, false);
            else if (storeScope > 0)
                _settingService.DeleteSetting(catalogSettings, x => x.DisplayTaxShippingInfoOrderDetailsPage, storeScope);

            // template method to notify subclasses
            OnSavingCatalogSettings(catalogSettings, model, storeScope);

            //now clear settings cache


The implementation of the template methods is:

protected virtual void OnLoadingCatalogSettings(CatalogSettings catalogSettings, CatalogSettingsModel model, int storeScope)

        protected virtual void OnSavingCatalogSettings(CatalogSettings catalogSettings, CatalogSettingsModel model, int storeScope)

Of course, the same applies to CustomerUser, Order, Tax, etc.

That way I can add my custom settings in a class that inherits from SettingController with a route replace without having to modify the source code files, just extending the partial classes and subclassing the exiting files, so it is a lot easier to update from the current version to the next one.

Thank you
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