Eway response to display transactions details on complete.

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Il y a 14 ans
I can see in ewaypaymentprocessor that it will look at the response and retrieves some information like transaction id etc.

processPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionCode = eWAYResponse.AuthorisationCode;
                    processPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionResult = eWAYResponse.InvoiceReference;
                    processPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionID = eWAYResponse.TransactionNumber;
                    processPaymentResult.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatusEnum.Paid;

How can the be displayed on the final completed checkout page? At the moment you just get checkout complete.

Or how can any of the other retuned responses be displayed, as there is a big list on there website.

Thank you.
Il y a 14 ans
You can use "Order" object instance, they are saved there.
Il y a 14 ans
Thanks for your help, unfortunatly I have no idea what you are saying.

I'm assuming I will be modifing file CheckoutComplete.ascx ?

Can you give me a further hint on some code if it just a small addition.

Thank you.
Il y a 14 ans
1. Modify eWayMerchantReturn.aspx.cs to save _TrxnNumber value to order.AuthorizationTransactionID property (transaction id is not saved by default)
2. Add a label to CheckoutComplete.ascx control
3. Set its text property to order.AuthorizationTransactionID
Il y a 14 ans
I think you may be refering to the eWay UK version as setting breakpoints on EwayMerchantReturn does nothing.

I'm using Payment.eWay and not Payment.eWayUK.

My limited knowledge of .net is probably making things a little harder (learning though). But if I set breakpoints on the code below I can see the returned response.

This is in eWayPaymentProcessor.cs

// Payment succeeded get values returned
                if (eWAYResponse.Status && (eWAYResponse.Error.StartsWith(APPROVED_RESPONSE) || eWAYResponse.Error.StartsWith(HONOUR_RESPONSE)))
                    processPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionCode = eWAYResponse.AuthorisationCode;
                    processPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionResult = eWAYResponse.InvoiceReference;
                    processPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionID = eWAYResponse.TransactionNumber;
                    processPaymentResult.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatusEnum.Paid;

                    //processPaymentResult.AuthorizationDate = DateTime.Now;

I think this is basically what I want;

processPaymentResult.AuthorizationTransactionCode = eWAYResponse.AuthorisationCode; which refers to _txTransactionNumber.

Whats the simplest method to show on Checkout completed page? You said set text properies to  *** before but will that not only just show that as pre filled text eg. ***.

Hope you understand what I'm saying.

Thanks again for helping.
Il y a 13 ans
Can anyone else give me tips on my last question?
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