Products by Customer Category

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Il y a 14 ans
Is it possible to only allow purchase of specific products if a customer is a specific role? For instance a customer can only purchase a specific license badge if he is licenses in that area, thus he would be given that role by the administrator.
Il y a 14 ans
Currently this feature is not available in nopCommerce 1.5 , you have to modify/add some coding in order to accomplish this kind of feature
Il y a 14 ans
Are there any suggested methods of creating this functionality? What source files do I need to start digging into?
Il y a 14 ans
I believe this will be addressed in the 1.6 release, but I couldn't wait...

I've done something like this for our site (  We have products available to the general public and then specific items available to wholesalers (with their own pricing).  When you sign up for a wholesale account, you get a role named "Wholesale" attached to your account.

I didn't tie it to a category though (because products can be in multiple categories and such) -- i tied it right to the products.  I created a new "product type" named "Wholesale", and flagged the appropriate items as such.  I had to manually insert an record in the nop_ProductType table -- couldn't see where to do that in the UI.

That was the easy part -- next, I had to modify a series of stored procedures and several of the class/code-behind files to implement the limitations.  I don't recall all the changes off hand (I have it documented elsewhere), but basically, I ended up passing the logged in customer ID down to the stored procedures so they could limit the results.  If the customer wasn't logged in, I passed a 0 (zero) down and considered that "anonymous", or as a standard retail visitor.

If it's something you can't wait for, let me know and I can try to put together more info on our implementation.

Il y a 14 ans
That is very slick and I really would love to implement that this weekend! I would appreciate your documentation to implement this! I have a client breathing down my neck...

Thank you!
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