Can I import clients from excel file?

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Il y a 14 ans
I export clients from nopcommerce database.  Then I opened the file and added  below the last entry clients of my company (some fieds of course remained empty) I saved it and try to import it to Nopcommerce. The file was imported but the new clients were not. I tried again modifying one of the nopcommerce clients and imprt again. The modification was accepted by the import procedure but again no new clients.
Is there a way to import them? Or I have to add them registering them one by one?
Thank you
Il y a 14 ans
What version are you using? Please ensure that you have nopCommerce 1.50
Il y a 14 ans
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
What version are you using? Please ensure that you have nopCommerce 1.50

Is 1.50 for sure
Il y a 14 ans
It works fine for us. Please create a new work item here and attach your Excel file
Il y a 14 ans
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
It works fine for us. Please create a new work item here and attach your Excel file

I dont understand. To open a new Project there? what?

But look
I just export the clients from Nopcommerce. Then below this I add my clients ands try to import the new excel file in Nopcommerce through administration clients. It copies the changes that I have done to the clients that already exists in the Nopcommerce BUT it does not import new clients.
Il y a 14 ans
What Andrei is suggesting is that you add something like "Import Excel Problem" and upload the actual Excel file (zipped) you are trying to use for importing. That will enable him to look at the file to see if there is a problem with the nopCommerce import source or, more likely, the way the excel file is tructured, column var size or type miss matches (see that all the time in our programs).
Il y a 14 ans
I manually entered a product with most of its fields into a category. Then, I did an export to excel and using this excel template I added more products and its fields. After I entered a number of products, I use the import from excel function to load the products into Nop. But, I couldn't get it to work. I'm using v1.5 and this is the error message I am getting:

"The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Nop_Product_Nop_ProductType". The conflict occurred in database "Amative", table "dbo.Nop_ProductType", column 'ProductTypeID'. The statement has been terminated."

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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