Materialized Design

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Il y a 8 ans
Hello I am using the default Nopcommerce 3.7 theme, I am also using the materialized.css anytime I link to the materialized.css using CDN, the search bar at the top menu loses css styling, below is an example. Any idea how to fix it?
Il y a 8 ans
I will like to use the nopcommerce theme.
Il y a 8 ans
pjerald wrote:
Hello I am using the default Nopcommerce 3.7 theme, I am also using the materialized.css anytime I link to the materialized.css using CDN, the search bar at the top menu loses css styling, below is an example. Any idea how to fix it?

Hello there,

As I see, your search button has height 50 pixels and the search input has 70 pixels. You might know that the 'materialized' didn't have classes/attributes to manage the heights, so you will need to write it down by yourself. What you need to do is to get the correct selector which relate to that particular input element and just apply the following code to it: {
   height: 50px;

Please keep in mind that the bold values are my idea(I don't know for sure what class you use for this element and not sure about the button height, it just looks like 50px height);
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