paypal item description instead of order '#

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Il y a 14 ans
is their anyway to change what is passed out to paypal standard checkout it just shows order number as their is only a total order i wouldnt mind the products being sperated by a comma does anyone no how to achieve this at all many thanks
Il y a 14 ans
I am currently experiencing the same issue.
You will have to make some code changes to achieve this.
You can look at the Google express checkout code to get an example, but basically you will have to loop through all items in cart and add them to the Paypal post.

However, for some reason the Shopping cart object does not get loaded with the items during checkout, can anyone of the NOP guys explain this ?

Il y a 13 ans
I too am having the same issues, did anyone find a solution as this original post is now pretty old and nobody has replied with one.
Il y a 13 ans
I would also like to know the answer to this.  I wish my Paypal account would show the name of the item under "Item title".
Il y a 13 ans
The current PayPal redirect payment method just sends the total of the order to PayPal.

If you want to send the items you will need to loop through not the shopping cart, but the Order.OrderProductVariants collection. This should provide you with the information you need.


Il y a 13 ans
Is this something that could be put on the roadmap? It would be super sweet to inform Paypal what goods were purchased for tracking and correlation between systems.

Il y a 13 ans
I like the idea, if it was possible then great.
Il y a 13 ans
This may help... it is for Paypal Standard...
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