Is there a way to get Product details from an order?

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Il y a 14 ans
Working on a modified administration page.
Trying to get the products detail from any order.

What I've tried so far:

OrderCollection orders = OrderManager.SearchOrders(startDate, endDate, txtCustomerEmail.Text, orderStatus, paymentStatus, shippingStatus);

foreach (Order order in orders)
    int orderID = order.OrderID;

return orders;

Any help appreciated.

Il y a 14 ans
After a bit of messing about I came up with this:

OrderCollection orders = OrderManager.SearchOrders(startDate, endDate, txtCustomerEmail.Text, orderStatus, paymentStatus, shippingStatus);

foreach (Order order in orders)
    int orderID = order.OrderID;
    OrderProductVariantCollection orderProductVariants = order.OrderProductVariants;
    foreach (OrderProductVariant orderProductVariant in orderProductVariants)
        Product product = orderProductVariant.ProductVariant.Product;
Il y a 14 ans
With the code above I get the following error:
Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. 

Any ideas?

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