We are happy to announce the launch of Striving Programmers new website

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Il y a 7 ans
We are happy to announce the launch of Striving Programmers new website.

We have gone through a re-branding process and one of our primary focuses was to make the content on our site (articles / how-to tutorials) more visible and easily accessible to all of our community members. Striving programmers website has been completely re-designed and upgraded.

A lot more interesting things will be coming VERY soon on the site.

Our new website will allow you to access:

- Hundreds of FREE how-to tutorials / articles
- Website themes & templates
- Plugins & extensions

Please checkout our new website: http://www.strivingprogrammers.com/

We hope you like our freshly revamped website. Looking forward to your feedback!

Please post your feedback here: http://www.strivingprogrammers.com/we-are-happy-to-announce-the-launch-of-striving-programmers-new-website
Il y a 7 ans
Hi Lavish!

Very nice theme, I'm impressed. But I saw that images are not found on this page, I suppose, it's using wrong URL.

"http://www.strivingprogrammers.com/blog/tag/content/images/thumbs/0000003_120.jpeg" without /blog/tag is working fine :)

Il y a 7 ans
Thank you Patryk for your feedback!

Thank you for reporting about the broken image - It will be fixed :)
Il y a 7 ans
Very nice site. Thanks for sharing with us. But
https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.strivingprogrammers.com%2F&tab=desktop test is not so good. Could you please explain it? How  can we pass speed test?
Il y a 7 ans
Thank you Sohel for your feedback!

Yes, I am aware of the Google PageSpeed Insights results (it's mainly due to design customization / graphics). There are some sections on the website that are still "in progress / coming soon" as some development work is going on behind the scenes :). Everything will be optimized very soon.
Il y a 7 ans
Hi Lavish,

I saw that you have error on your blog. When i try to go to page 2 on blog every time I receive "We're sorry.... " :)

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