Shipping in different countries nop 3.8

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Il y a 7 ans
Hi to everybody,

We have our nopcommerce site 3.8 version and we are planning to sell our products not only in our country (Italy) but also around Europe. We have already configured nopcommerce to do this, but we have discovered that the products with "free shipping rule" are shipped for free all around europe but they should be "free shipping" only for Italy and not for the rest of Europe.

Anyone knows how we can do it?

Thank you in advance for your support

Il y a 7 ans
Don't configure Free Shipping on product level. Do it on the shipping plugin. :)
Il y a 7 ans
Yes, out of the box, the Product field "Free shipping" and setting "Free Shipping over X", etc. cannot be conditional.  With the Shipping Director plugin, you can create an unpublished category (e.g. "Free Shipping" ;), and then you can have a conditional expression:

    Country = "IT" and Items.Any(Product.HasCategory("Free Shipping"))

Also, be aware that another problem with the out of the box Product field "Free shipping" is that if all the items in the cart have Product field "Free shipping", then nopCommerce always makes the shipping amount 0.  The shipping rate plugins can't override that.
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