Export Orders with orderitems to XLS

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Il y a 7 ans
I need to add the additional fields, some order items fields, product fields and some customer fields to the Export Orders to XLS.

Here is the list of fields:

OrderID OrderEntered Company CustomerID ProductName Quantity UnitPrice Tax Total  OrderTotal
1        10/12/2016  Aetna     c234      MP           5        100.00   0   500.00 1100.00
1        10/12/2016  Aetna     c234      CP           2        300.00   0   600.00 1100.00

Is it possible? If anybody can help me?

Il y a 7 ans
This would require customization in source cod  \Libraries\Nop.Services\ExportImport

(Or, one could probably write an XSLT to convert the Export XML format to CSV)
Il y a 6 ans
How can I add the customer name and shipping info to the xml export? I assume due to the 1 to many relationships, this is the only way to export all order info..?

Not sure if there's some code in the xlsx export that can be added to the xml... sure would love to get this one licked. Orders are to be exported in bulk and then sent to the drop-shipper/manufacturer.

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