Set nopCommerce panel time

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Il y a 7 ans
Hello there,

Since we moved to a new (shared) server situated in California, our time zone has been off with quite a few hours.

Is there a setting in nopCommerce to add or substract a few hours or set a timezone?

Thank a bunch!
Il y a 7 ans
Hi Jef,
- Go to the admin panel > Configuration> Settings > customer settings > Default store time zone.

**You first have to set the switch from basic to advanced

BTW. How is loadingspeed performance: California <> Belgium?
Il y a 7 ans

Thanks for replying.

The time zone was already correct there (GMT +1). However, when I receive an order it is still many hours in advance (in the admin panel only, on the invoices it seems to state the correct date)

The speed is quite good with SmarterASP without using CDN services like cloudflare.
Il y a 7 ans
What do you mean by receiving an order? You mean the e-mail?o or the dashboard
Il y a 7 ans
Exactly. Our dashboard time is set to California time.
Il y a 7 ans
Exactly. Our dashboard time is set to California time.
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