Shipping Rate

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Il y a 7 ans
QUESTION: Does NOP have the built-in functionality that allows products to be assigned to specific shipping rate categories, or is a custom plugin required? Our products fall into one of two (2) categories with each having its own shipping rate. Products in category#1 are charged a rate of 10% of the total order. Products in category#2 are charged 15% of the total order. Can someone provide a reference that I can read to solution this problem? Thank you in advance!
Il y a 7 ans
It will require customization, or Shipping Director can do it.

See this blog using HasCategory.  It's not exactly like your scenario, but will give you idea of how HasCategory works.  In your case, the configuration would look like:

10  Decimal   RateCategory1
   Items.Where(Product.HasCategory("Category1")).Sum(Quantity) * ([$SubTotalWithDiscounts] * 0.10)

20  Decimal   RateCategory2
   Items.Where(Product.HasCategory("Category2")).Sum(Quantity) * ([$SubTotalWithDiscounts] * 0.15)

30  Option    Shipping       true       [RateCategory1] + [RateCategory2]

The above assumes that you are charging your % of total for each quantity of item.  - E.g.  if  quantity of item in "Category 1" is 3, then:    3  *  (subtotal * 0.10)

(P.S.  There is also a HasParentCategory() function )
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