Add topic content to Product Tag page

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Il y a 7 ans
I am somehow new to nopcommerce back-end coding.
I wonder if you tell me how i can add specific topic body to Product Tag page.
For example you consider i have a product tag with "Product A" name, then i want to add some contents to product tag page which refers to "Product A" topic page. It means in product tag page i want to search for topic page titles which is same as tag.title, if i found a valid topic then insert that topic's body to product tag body section. Below i mention my purpose as semi code:

[Product Tag view]
for ( i=0;i<topics.count;i++)
       var _body=topics.body;

then i will put _body string in it's appropriate place.

In new google panda changes, google is focusing to contents more than before and tag pages are harmful. Although i know this is not a perfect solution, this can help when your tag pages have reasonable SERP position and you want to promote it.
Il y a 7 ans
You bring a very important issue to light! This should be posted as a suggested feature for the upcoming version of nopCommerce.

To further expand on the issue, "tag pages" need to have actual text content in addition to the product grid in order to achieve adequate SERP.

With the other catalog pages, such as category or manufacturer, we have ability to add descriptive text to the page, stuffed with the appropriate keywords, whereas, with the product by tag pages, we do not.

I propose the best solution is to add an additional field to the >> Catalog >> Products >> Product Tags >> Edit Product Tag Details screen in administration. This field should be a rich text area to input the descriptive text that appears in this view/widgetzone:
@Html.Widget("productsbytag_before_product_list", Model.Id)
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