Marking a Category UnPublished, mark the Products UnPublished

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Il y a 7 ans
Any way that when you mark the Category UnPublished that all the items in that Category are marked UnPublished? If not, can I add this as a suggestion? Pleeeeeease?
Il y a 7 ans
Quickest way would be to manage product, search for product within the category, select the items & export selected items to excel.  In Excel sheet, find the column labeled "Publish", change top cell to False, drag False value to bottom of sheet, re-import sheet back into Nop.
Il y a 7 ans
you can bulk edit the product and delete them.
Il y a 7 ans
dootchie wrote:
Any way that when you mark the Category UnPublished that all the items in that Category are marked UnPublished? If not, can I add this as a suggestion? Pleeeeeease?

You could do something like:

var prevPublished = category.Published;


if (prevPublished != category.Published)
    var products = _productService.SearchProducts(categoryIds: new List<int> {category.Id}, showHidden: true);
    foreach (var product in products)
        product.Published = category.Published;

In the Edit method of the CategoryController (Nop.Admin).
But pay attention that one product can be assigned to more than one category.
Il y a 7 ans
Thanks. Good suggestion and good reminder!!
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