Click Path Analysis

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Il y a 7 ans
Hi, I am a data scientist, and would like to know if store activity data such as "Customer A goes to this page after this page". I only need the path from where to where.

Does NopCommerce has this kind of information stored in the database? If yes, in which table?

We would like to optimize customer's experience when accessing our sites.

Thank you for the help!

Best regards,
Sintyadi Thong
Il y a 7 ans
Mizunashi wrote:
Hi, I am a data scientist, and would like to know if store activity data such as "Customer A goes to this page after this page". I only need the path from where to where.

Does NopCommerce has this kind of information stored in the database? If yes, in which table?

Nop stores the last visited page in the GenericAttribute table but it doesn't keep a history anywhere that you could use to track a customer journey. The Google Analytics widget plugin could be enabled which would record that sort of information at the aggregate level but, if I remember correctly, there is some additional setup required in the Google analytics account and in the Nop Google Analytics markup to enable the passing of personally identifiable data (such as user id) from nop to GA that would allow you to track it at the individual level.

If you really wanted it native to nop it might be worth searching the plugins to see if there's one that already does it (there's a customer interests plugin that does something similar). Or you could look a implementing it yourself if you have access to development skills. The StoreLastVisitedPageAttribute class that nop uses to track the last visited page is implemented as an ActionFilterAttibute which makes it nicely self-contained and easy to copy or extend to add additional functionality.
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