Discount - first 50 customers only?

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Il y a 7 ans
I assume I'll need to write a plugin to support such a rule.  If I'm missing something, please let me know.  Thanks!
Il y a 7 ans
ldl01031 wrote:
If I'm missing something, please let me know.  Thanks!

On the discount edit page set the Discount limitation to "N times only", set N times to 50.
Il y a 7 ans
Thanks - saw that but also want the one per customer (sorry - should have pointed that out).  As a way to 'purchase' diverse testing of my site (and generate initial buzz, reviews, etc.), I'm seriously considering sending a $20 coupon code to my facebook friends.  I don't want any individual to use the coupon code 10 (or more) times.  This is also why I need to limit the run to 50.  I don't know how many of my facebook friends will take the offer, but if this coupon code got into the wild ... well, it could be quite bad...

I've already written three plugins to support my needs, it looks like a discount rule such as this should be easy (if I'm wrong on that, please let me know).  Thanks.
Il y a 7 ans
ldl01031 wrote:
Thanks - saw that but also want the one per customer (sorry - should have pointed that out).

I've already written three plugins to support my needs, it looks like a discount rule such as this should be easy (if I'm wrong on that, please let me know).  Thanks.

Ah ok. Yeah should be pretty easy to write as a discount requirement rule plugin as you can just base it on one of the other discount requirement rule plugins and implement it the same way as it's done in the DiscountService.

Actually thinking about it, it seems strange that the N times and N times per customer rules are hard coded rather than implemented as discount requirement rule plugins themselves as they could then be combined easily, but I guess it's probably one of those historic things (or maybe I'm just missing something obvious that would make that a bad idea). Might be worth posting in the suggestions forum.
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