Site extremely Slow

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Il y a 7 ans

We are very excited with the capabilities of NopCommerce 3.80 and are looking forward to using it.

However on one of our first sites, we have loaded a small car parts database with about 5000 products and 2000 categories and the performance is horrifically slow.

It literally takes about 3-4 mins for the site to come up, and about the same to click on any category.

Other smaller sites with a few hundred products do not seem to be a problem.

Our servers are pretty state of the art, they are already running a few hundred other non-Nop sites perfectly.

We have re-indexed the database, used the SQL Tuning advisor, and tried various other options both in IIS and the DB, but to no avail.

Also we have run it locally on a super high spec PC with SSD's, and it is still very slow.

Any tips or advice anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated as we would really like to use Nop.

Thanks in advance
Il y a 7 ans

Please, do not copy forums post Performace Issues
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