Redaing and writing to database from a plugin

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Il y a 7 ans
I've written a simple plugin that save configuration information to the specified table in the database using examples provided. I also need to write data to second table, which the plugin has created, but I do not know how to go about actually performing CRUD operations on that table.

I have two events in my plugin that intercept when a user logs in and when they update their info (using IConsumer<CustomerLoggedinEvent> and an actionfilter). At some point in each event I need to write to a table. I'm sure this is straight forward and relatively simple but I struggling to know where to start.

I appreciate any help on offer.
Il y a 7 ans
Sorry for the typo on the title.

I've pretty much resolved this issue as I should have researched more carefully.
Il y a 7 ans
Probably a little late for you, but for other's benefit, the easiest way is to look at an existing plugin, like the Shipping.ByWeight.  In particular, the folders: Data, Domain, and Services.
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