NOP version 3.6 Authorize.NET stock plugin and TLS 1.2

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Il y a 7 ans
I have been asked to update four NOPCommerce sites using version 3.6 to work with the upcoming TLS 1.2 changes at They all use the standard NOP plugin and one is a multistore using two copies of the plugin to connect to different Authorize.Net accounts.

I have seen threads here suggesting the fix below:
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

Adding the above the Global.asx and recompiling, then deploying the Nop.Web.dll file.

Will this work in version 3.6?
Is there any other required work?
Is there a better way, or is one coming in the near future?

I do have IISCrypto avaikable if that helps. I know the server supports TLS 1.2 also (Server 2012).
Il y a 7 ans
yes it will work on 3.6.

you just need to add it on global.asax.
Il y a 7 ans
Thank you, Vipul.
Any suggestion on where to add it in the Global.asax?

I assume it would go in the Application_Start section, maybe under the RegisterRoutes?
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