Product Description Not Rendering Properly???????? URGENT PLEASE HELP

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Il y a 6 ans
Hi all,

I have a process that I use to programmatically update the product catalog using HTML from a CMS system.

The problem is, when I look at the rendered page, the render does not match what is in the actual Full Description HTML. BUT, if I go into the product, view the HTML Source Code, click OK to close the editor, then Save the product (remember, I have not changed a single thing), then view the product it renders properly.

Yes  I have cleared the cache, I have cleared my browser cache, I restarted the application, but the same thing happens.

Can someone PLEASE tell me why this is and is there anything I can do to rememdy this? This is crucial.

Thanks in advance!
Il y a 6 ans
Maybe your HTML is not well formed, and then the editor corrects it.  View the HTML Source Code, copy paste it into notepad or similar, then save in the editor, and then refresh the page, again View the HTML Source Code, copy paste it into another notepad, and then do a Diff.
Il y a 6 ans
New York wrote:
Maybe your HTML is not well formed, and then the editor corrects it.  View the HTML Source Code, copy paste it into notepad or similar, then save in the editor, and then refresh the page, again View the HTML Source Code, copy paste it into another notepad, and then do a Diff.

Even not opening up the HTML and just clicking save does this. Is there something that runs through the product description HTML on save and changes it where necessary? And if so, anyone know where that would occur?
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