Social login plugin issue

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Il y a 6 ans
Hi all,

I need your help as I am new to NopCommerce as well as MVC.

I have social login plugin installed. But when I click on "Login with Google" button it shows as error as below:

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

The redirect URI in the request, http://localhost:15536/, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. Visit to update the authorized redirect URIs.

Sachin Tripathi
Il y a 6 ans
Hi Sachin,

The redirect URI (where the response is returned to) has to be registered in the APIs console, and the error is indicating that you haven't done that, or haven't done it correctly.

Go to the console for your project and look under API Access. You should see your client ID & secret there, along with a list of redirect URIs. If the URI you want isn't listed, click edit settings and add the URI to the list.


Team nopAccelerate
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