In future move admin utility to factory and parameter should be generic.

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Il y a 6 ans
I need to override admin product create and edit actionresult from plugin. I did that but the problem was I need to added 5-7 extra properties so I can not extend admin ProductController as the model(viewmodel) is changed. So I need to write create and edit actionresult method at my plugin. I also needed to bring related utility method from admin at my plugin as the create and edit method dependent on some utility methods.

Here I feel if there an admin utility factory exist, which provide these utilities then I did not need to write the methods again.

The factory can look like bellow.

    public interface IProductUtility
        void SaveProductAcl<T>(Product product, T model);

The concrete class

public class ProductUtility : IProductUtility
        private readonly IAclService _aclService;
        private readonly ICustomerService _customerService;

        public ProductUtility(IAclService aclService, ICustomerService customerService)
            _aclService = aclService;
            _customerService = customerService;

        public void SaveProductAcl<T>(Product product, T model)
            var mod = model as IProductViewModel;

            product.SubjectToAcl = mod.SelectedCustomerRoleIds.Any();

            var existingAclRecords = _aclService.GetAclRecords(product);
            var allCustomerRoles = _customerService.GetAllCustomerRoles(true);
            foreach (var customerRole in allCustomerRoles)
                if (mod.SelectedCustomerRoleIds.Contains(customerRole.Id))
                    //new role
                    if (existingAclRecords.Count(acl => acl.CustomerRoleId == customerRole.Id) == 0)
                        _aclService.InsertAclRecord(product, customerRole.Id);
                    //remove role
                    var aclRecordToDelete = existingAclRecords.FirstOrDefault(acl => acl.CustomerRoleId == customerRole.Id);
                    if (aclRecordToDelete != null)



The IProductViewModel interface only one property for test

public interface IProductViewModel
        IList<int> SelectedCustomerRoleIds { get; set; }


And the ViewModel of the Product at admin site.

public partial class ProductModel : BaseNopEntityModel, ILocalizedModel<ProductLocalizedModel>, IProductViewModel
public IList<int> SelectedCustomerRoleIds { get; set; }
Il y a 6 ans
Thanks a lot! This work item already exists
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