Product Attribute that change price

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Il y a 6 ans
I have a product that is a image. The customer should be possible to change the size of this image by 2 product attributes.
So for instance the customer add 300cm * 500cm and the products price should be 2 USD/m2. After the customer changed these attributes i would like to update the products price like 300*500*2 so the total price would be 300 000 USD.

Is this possible by pure configurations, or am i forced to tweak the code?
Il y a 6 ans
This is not available out-of-the-box. The updated price is only seen once the customer views his shopping cart. But I've seen threads on the forums where other developers were working to have the same functionality:
Il y a 6 ans
Thanks for reply, i was able to solve it by using "customer enters price". So instead of having a fixed price, the price is changed by my attributes. I also did a check in backend if the price is tampered in the client.
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