Querry Database

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Il y a 6 ans
i want to change bestseller querry database, where that place? thank you
Il y a 6 ans
rafaarian wrote:
i want to change bestseller querry database, where that place? thank you


Require source code for that.

Open  Product controller from Presentation\Nop.Web\Controllers and find HomepageBestSellers action. You can change in that action

Il y a 6 ans
so i dont know about this source code in homepagebestseller for what?

var report = _cacheManager.Get(string.Format(ModelCacheEventConsumer.HOMEPAGE_BESTSELLERS_IDS_KEY, _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id),
                () => _orderReportService.BestSellersReport(
                    storeId: _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
                    pageSize: _catalogSettings.NumberOfBestsellersOnHomepage)
Il y a 6 ans
Il y a 6 ans
what the meaning about this.ignore in nop.data thanks
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